Employer Super Contributions

This section is used to calculate the base SGC contribution which is currently legislated at 9.50%, and any additional employer contributions that need to be made. Any costing allocations for super are shown at the bottom of the screen.

Viewing or Amending the Base SGC Contribution:

  1. Select the Super Employer node for the employee.
    The Super Employer screen will open showing a list of pay items.
  2. Click on the last line and then click on the down arrow to add a new line.
    (See Viewing and Editing an employee's pay items for more information.)
  3. Select the pay item that you require.

Only pay items which have been linked with the employee's super fund are available in this list. The pay item must have been created in the super employee pay items category of the pay items file, and must have been linked with this employee's super fund.

  1. For an increase in the percentage that needs to be applied, you have two options depending on the circumstances.
    • You could amend the existing HrsUnit to show the employee’s new percentage value, e.g. increased from 9.50 to 10. The long-term SGC percentage change would also need to be amended in the employee master file.
    • Alternatively, if it is an adjustment for this payrun only, you should add a new Pay Item line using Employer (%) and specify the additional percent in the HrsUnit field.
  2. In the event you need to manually override the employer contribution in this payrun, usually you would select the (Employer) $ pay item.
  3. In the HrsUnits field, specify 1.
  4. In the Rate field specify the amount required.
  5. In the Memo field enter any notes/ memos relating to this payment.
  6. Click Apply – this will automatically calculate and enter the value in the Amount field.